TagHive India’s First Team Meeting

2 min readApr 8, 2022
Meet our India team!

Last month before the Indian summer descended over the sub-continent, we at TagHive India had our very first in-person meeting. Attended by 13 people from 6 states, conversations and sessions were prepared to bring Clarity of (Purpose, Platform & Role), Deeper Connection with (Team and Product) and Confidently Looking Ahead to (Grow the business).

With ice-breaking sessions for the team in place, everyone got a chance to share about themselves in small and big groups. Further, to cement the “why” of TagHive, the whole team visited Government Secondary School Bhopal to see Class Saathi in action. As it was the academic year-end, our team saw teachers revising Maths and Science using the Class Saathi clickers and app.

Mrs Alka Sharma, the school principal for the last 22 years, along with grade 5 math and science teachers, spent time with the team. They shared their experience and helped us understand the on-ground needs of teachers and school leaders. The goal is to empower teachers to transform their role from “a sage on the stage” to “a guide on the side”.

With the motive of taking away concrete learning points from the team meeting, new team members understood the different Class Saathi solutions (Desktop, Mobile, and Large Scale Assessments). As a team, fruitful discussions on the kind of changes that are required took place. Herein, all team members shared their organisational goals to plan and execute as a collective. Now, it’s onwards and upwards!




Class Saathi : AI powered Quiz Platform to review, assess and engage Grades 6~10 students in class and at home