How can parents support their children in academics?

3 min readSep 8, 2021
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Learning does not stop and end at school. The best learning programs have parents and teachers in sync so that whatever is taught in school every day is supplemented with practice at home. For this to be achievable, parents need to reform the way they understand teaching and learning. We have a few tips parents can rely on that will help them establish an academic driven relationship with their children. Here’s how:

1. Regularly communicate with teachers/school:

Parents need to know what is happening in class every day so that they can oversee what their children are learning each day. Establish a good relationship with their teachers, especially those teachers who teach subjects your child struggles with. Find a system that works for you. For instance, you could get the teacher to send in the portions that were completed for the day so that you know what you need to help your child focus on.

2. Buy your children resources based on their needs:

It is no secret that each child learns differently. Request the school to conduct a learning type aptitude test and determine what category your child falls under. Based on that, make a resource kit that your child can use and only invest in those!

3. Save them from enrolling in unnecessary tuitions:

Tuitions are bridge education programs that are wonderful for recapitulation and student-specific focus. Tuitions are ideally most effective when they are at best, twice a week. Your child needs a break away from their books as much as they need to be in front of them. Tuition classes also make it difficult for students to tap into their self-learning needs. This has adverse effects since they use this as a fallback option to not pay attention in class or at home. So to save your child undue stress and make them independent learners, opt for tuitions only if necessary or limit their frequencies.

4. Set expectations with your child:

Children need to be taught that education is a democratic process. If parents enforce their expectations on their children, it hampers a child’s morale if they are unable to live up to it. So have a conversation with your children and understand their capacities before asking them to live up to yours. This fosters a wholesome experience for children as they won’t be afraid to tell you when they are unable to cope. More so, they are taught that they have a say in their futures and you’re only there to support them and not build pressure.

5. Enlist the help of professionals:

If you find that none of these methods is working, you should consider approaching a learning coach or a counsellor who can professionally deal with the situation at hand. It takes years of training to become a good teacher and it is only natural that parents struggle in this domain. Getting a professional to guide you will help you understand and refine your techniques and as a parent, you also enforce the idea that no one person has all the answers. This teaches your children to seek help whenever they need it!

Education is an experience to say the best. Students need to enjoy their learning without attaching only consequences to it. As the world is revolving and education is branching into multiple domains, parents are required to be more involved now than ever before. Granted that it is an overwhelming idea, however, we believe that it is as simple as enjoying the process yourself. If you have any tips that work in your household, with your children, we would love to hear about them. Drop us a comment and let us know what they are so we can feature you in our posts!




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