AI is the future of education

3 min readJun 15, 2022
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The shift to tech-enabled learning was accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic and it may not have been the most desirable driving force but what the pandemic did was push tech integration into the field of education. Companies across the world are happy about this since they can now show the world what technology can do if used in its most essential forms. Before we get into how AI technology plays a role in education, we will understand what AI means!

AI System definition, history, and the likes:

There are certain areas where manual effort can drive very little change especially if it is required to be expended on a larger scale. Some human tasks can be automated in such a way that it drives maximum impact and at a much larger scale. For all those tasks, we make use of Artificial Intelligence. While AI systems may perform tasks that we generally associate with humans, it is humans who build the framework that allows for AI principles to function!

AI is a determining tool that uses data to make recommendations, and decisions and also arrive at evidence-based research findings all in seconds. AI can save time and a lot of valuable human resources that can be used in other domains of functioning. AI can also help people make decisions based on risks and rewards. So these are just a few of the vast capabilities that AI can power.

With the right frameworks, AI can do things efficiently, very effectively, and on a massive scale.

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AI in Education:

Keeping all the aforementioned points in mind there are a few things that we can be sure that AI does-

  1. It helps teachers understand not just the needs of their students but also more personal things about their students. For instance, teachers can learn through AI where a student’s learning interests are.
  2. AI gives evidence-based reports to teachers rather quickly so teachers can foster collaboration with their students.
  3. AI is what is revamping and revolutionizing assessments right now. What AI does is use assessments as a diagnostic tool that reflects on a child’s learning needs instead of using it as an indicator of their capabilities.
  4. AI as a feedback tool is more reliable, free from bias and cancels out any human error in the estimation process. When feedback is communicated to a student purely based on their performance, students tend to rely on that more than any other form.
  5. AI helps eliminate boundaries. AI does not see geographical boundaries. It can be used anytime anywhere, truly inspiring the idea that AI is a global experience.

There is a lot about AI that is still under research and development but what we have in the markets and in access these days makes use of some very optimal tools to give students an experience they will enjoy. Artificial intelligence is driven by innovation and if coached well, students grow to enjoy the method behind it also. What AI also does is inspire and it is important now more than ever that students appreciate their opportunities to learn and act on them with performance, drive, and passion!




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